sexual problems

Performance anxiety in sexuality

Performance anxiety first comes to mind when we think of the school desk or the workplace, but it is just as much a problem in our sex lives.


Sexual anxiety can also be caused by a lack of self-esteem or relationship problems, which can have a negative impact on sexual behaviour. Anxiety may lead the individual to fight or flee from a fearful threat, which is highly counterproductive to intimate relaxation. Thus performance anxiety clearly leads to sexual problems.

In men, sexual dysfunction, which manifests itself as a lack of mental stability, is more prominent and less disguised than in women. It is easily associated with the experience of failure, and the subsequent fear of failure can exacerbate the anxiety that is already present. This can also develop into performance anxiety.

In order for both partners to be able to experience sexual experiences, psychological, neurological, hormonal and physical adjustment is necessary. Performance-oriented people are more prone to overestimate the possibility of failure and as a result, they generalise and develop negative thoughts about intimate intercourse.

A sexual psychologist can help to remove obstacles to a harmonious sex life. Together with the patient, he or she can decipher what is leading to the phenomenon and focus on the triggers to reduce and eliminate anxiety. Contact details can be found at

A number of anxiety reduction techniques can also lead to success, including sports, deep breathing and shifting focus from performance to senses during lovemaking.

Of course, many people are unable to apply the right techniques without support, which is understandable given the strong emotional involvement. It is useless to want to give oneself over to the pleasure of the moment if the desire to please one’s partner is so strong that it cannot be overcome. He or she will only be thinking about whether he or she is good and lovable, which will make it impossible to enjoy the experience and will be a direct route to relationship and sexual problems.

The personalised, individualised process that a sexual psychologist can provide can bring about change and harmony in sexuality. Performance anxiety can arise at any age, whether you are a young person trying to have your first relationship or a middle-aged person about to enter a relationship. It’s not a shame to be ashamed of the difficulties, it’s much wiser to turn to therapeutic solutions as soon as possible.

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